With summer, comes lovely long afternoons outside. I water our plants, K plays in her Fairy Garden while Mr T fishes in his fountain. We keep each to our own for a while until a chore arises for us all to participate in. I have become wise with experience… if I say ‘We need to weed the roses.’ I am met with strong resistance from the two little people-unto-themselves. However, if I start to weed the roses and remark that pretty moss is growing under the clover, I have two little interested gardeners at my side asking if they can weed too. It’s fascinating! Parenting is a study in psychology!
Today, I noticed that the printers tray on the fence had become overrun with Morning Glory and when I inspected it closely, the little treasures it held were all covered in spider webs. Thus arose our chore for the afternoon.
Our printers tray is a place to keep treasured finds. The little cubbies are filled with the special shells K has collected and the favorite stones T has found. We have built up quite a collection.
The first objective was to remove all of the treasures so that we could sweep away the cobwebs.
T put them all in a bucket of water while K scrubbed them clean. We set them on the grass to dry and, while they dried, we admired them.
Then K set about replacing each clean and shiny treasure to it’s designated spot.
I can almost say with certainty that each shell and stone found it’s original place in the printers tray and I am amazed at the brilliance of the 6 year-old brain. To think that I once had a memory like that when I can hardly remember what day it is now!
We rediscovered the treasured Mother of Pearl that K brought back from South Africa when she was 3. Oh, how it shines like a mermaids tail in the sunlight.
The spiky shells given to us by a special friend.
Mr T’s beloved smooth rock and holy stick.
A final inspection that all was as it should be.
A nod of approval and our printers tray was back to show condition.
An afternoon of working together, remembering old times and making new memories.
Blessings and magic,
24 Responses
We NEED this at our house. I love it!
I want one also! We have a box of treasures, but that printer’s tray is just WAY nicer!
What a fantastic way to showcase special memories! Its so pretty!
Great idea! So lovely. We need one of these.
Oh my gosh I love this!!!!!!! it is so sweet to see them carefully placing each treasure in its special place. you are so great at coming up with unique ideas that kids love!
have a great week
My boys would LOVE this! What a fantastic way to display treasures from nature. I especially love that it remains outside, where each of the items would usually want to be.
This is a beautiful post. Not only are the photos beautiful, but also the wise advise behind it. Thank you.
This is a great post – natural treasures are so important and the memories they provide. Expect to see a lot of replications in Scotland!
Sooo much of parenting is communication, isn’t it? Ever noticed how your three year old refuses to bathe until mama says she wants to take a bubble bath alone? Then it’s everyone in the tub! Makes me smile. Thanks for reminding and inspiring!
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let me try again. Ingenious…you have wonderful ideas….love it!
Just lovely, cheers Marie
I agree, parenting is definitely a study in psychology. :) This is such a great way to display the little treasures that your kids find. Thanks for the idea!
John Holt, a homeschooling guru, commented that in order to get children interested in doing something, just start doing it…their natural curiousity will be provoked and they can’t help but want to be involved. This post speaks to that wisdom, (which I know to be true from my own experiences with my children).
Thanks for sharing
It works at our house, with all ages, when I start doing something I always have helpers or at least curious onlookers. That’s why we can’t worry so much about *teaching* our children but instead immersing them in real life with all its rich opportunities and experiences and they learn more as they live because they are interested.
And the printers drawer? I have one tucked under my bed waiting for inspiration to be used again! I am now inspired!
Wonderful pictures!
happy day!
This is a beautiful post. I love how you store the shells. Thank you for your lovely blog. We finally finished our fairy garden. Thank you for your inspiration.
What a magical afternood, thanks so much for sharing
beautiful – I admire the memory as well. our printers box was put together as a memory box as a gift for me …
What a Good Idea. I have a wicker basket full of rocks my son – now 21 collected. Each one is unique. I shall have to figure out how to get some sort of shelf system outdoors to show them off. DH is really doing up the garden alot lately, so I will show him the idea.
thanks for sharing.
Sandy in the UK
What a cute idea.
great idea, love seeing such special treasures and such a great way of displaying them xx
What a great idea! Your kids certainly found lots of great treasures.
I love Mr. T’s holy stick! This collection of yours reminds me of my daughter’s “science museum” which she set up under the swing set when she was a little girl. She put all her little finds in there, lined up on shelves, and charged a dime to visitors. Guess what? She is nearly twenty now, and studying neuroscience! love, Beth
Being a graphic designer myself I have a little “penchant” for typographic drawers. This is a truly creative use of one and I love it. Looks great in your garden!